End Game
Sri Lankan government is paving its way for a total annihilation. Of course they are helped by out inept Dravidian parties. How well do we use these poor souls to gain power? Jaya until the election day was against anything Tamils do in Sri Lankan, but now she is a savior. I have never seen anyone fasting for 6 hours, “Karunanidhi” if only this bastard has used 10 percent of the time he spent protecting his family and power, Lankan issue would have been solved long time ago. Mahinda Rajapaksa action is nothing but ethnic cleansing. One has to agree that leaders like Hitler and Edi Amen survived mainly through people support, so I would assume that every if not most Sri Lankan support their leader’s action. But my friends, you will never win this war through killing others. Just look where Rwanda, Uganda, and Cambodia are now. China has given a blank check to Sri Lanka. China assumes that by supporting Sri Lanka they can check India's growth. Don't you think this is similar to ...