To Ela –

Thanks. It has been a trying month. Too many thought process, too many negativity, too many constraints. In all these I forgot why I started a Blog. I stopped writing. The Blog was medium to let my mind to go free, to write what I think. But with all the commotion, I forgot about my Blog’s existence for a month. All it took was a comment from Ela to one of my post then it hit me with the reason why I blog. I don’t know whether it takes away my constraints but it sure makes you feel better. Thanks.


m said… happens to everyone i guess...i mean...too many things eating the mind and as a result one coconing oneself away from everything and feeling down...I know how it is to be feeling struck up and that too when one has tried everything in their best.
Not to evoke pity but just as an example....last year was nearly a disaster for was quite a lot of pain for me and i tried to stand it just by keeping myself away from everything and everyone...although i felt bad about this and know this is not going to help me, i could not help slowly i am coming to terms with everything and trying to put my life back as it was and still things are messed up but guess i can only do my best and wait!

so everything will be fine...u have to be happy that still u have a job and a loving family to whom u r everything! cheers!

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