Hey “N” Ram
I was perplexed at reading the recent article by N. Ram, “The Hindu” Editor-in-chief regarding Tibet’s status under China. I do understand that Ram is a committed communist and that every individual has his right for expression (I wonder whether I can say the same under communist China). But for me it is hard to buy his view that Tibet is much better under Communist China rather than to be a sovereign nation. Mr. Ram puts forth couple of argument 1.Tibet has prospered under China 2.Tibet is secluded from China that it still holds its distinctiveness and that normal Chinese don’t want to move to Tibet. Well, it looks like Mr. Ram has taken leaf from British imperialism. The British sincerely believed that by ruling countries like India and China they were doing a favor to natives. What Australian government has done for Aborigines and what the Canadian did to Indians in their land are similar to what Mr. Ram is proposing. Quoting economical prosperities successive government has kidna...